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Welcome Thunderwolves Varsity Athletes!

You’ve made it to the Thunderwolves Varsity Hub, where as a varsity athlete, you’ll be able to find all of the resources you need in order to make your career at Lakehead successful (both academically & in the sport you love!)

Looking for your Coach’s or Athletics Staff Member’s information?  CLICK HERE

Athlete Supports

Looking for additional support for your classes, your mental health or your physical health?  Look no further!

The links below will bring you directly to the help you need – want to speak with someone specifically?  Reach out to your coach, administration or one of the following individuals:

Student Success
Josh Levac, Associate Registrar – Student Awards & Financial Aid Manager
Derek Lawrence, Student Central Professional Personnel
Abhijit Rao, Academic Support Zone Coordinator

Student Health & Wellness
Lindsey Wachter, Health & Wellness Promoter
Irene Pugliese, Manager of Wellness Services
Online Counselling Appointment Booking

Varsity Athlete Therapy Centre – Online Booking
Oak Sports Medicine Physiotherapy & Other


Policies & Communication

Varsity Results


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Campus Recreation offers a wide range of activities for your fitness needs.

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