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Photo by Jarron Childs –
The Lakehead Thunderwolves’ track team travelled to Montreal to compete in the McGill Team Challenge this past weekend.
The first day of the meet saw Niko Dowhos finish third overall in the 60m with a personal best time of 6.93 seconds. This finish had him first amongst university athletes. Rebekkah Pyle also had a strong race, finishing fourth overall, second amongst university athletes in the 3km with a time of 9:57.63. Colin Warwick had a personal best run in the 1000m, finishing 14th with a time of 2:31.74.
Day two saw two more Thunderwolves beat their personal bests. Tia Lampo ran the 300m in 40.72 seconds, finishing in seventh, while Braedan Prochnicki ran the 300m in 36.82 seconds, both beating their personal bests.
Day two of the Challenge also saw Amy Steih run the 600m in 1:34.53, finishing fourth overall and second among university athletes.
“I am very happy with the way the athletes took advantage of this opportunity,” said head coach Kip Sigsworth.
“All six athletes had at least one very strong performance. Lots of work left to do but we are in a good place one month out from OUA’s.”
The Thunderwolves will travel to Winnipeg next weekend for the Bison Classic
Day 1 Results:
Niko Dowhos: 3rd (1st university athlete) 60m, 6.93 PB
Rebekkah Pyle: 4th (2nd university) 3K, 9:57.63
Colin Warwick: 14th 1000m, 2:31.74PB
Braedan Prochnicki: 14th 60m, 7.12.
Day 2 Results:
Amy Stieh 4th (2nd university) 600m, 1:34.53
Tia Lampo 7th 300m, 40.72 PB
Rebekkah Pyle 13th 1500m, 4:41.12
Braedan Prochnicki 26th 300m, 36.82 PB